
生活百科 2023-04-28 07:47生活百科www.xingbingw.cn




This... 这...is the Construct. 是主架构

[39:03.75]lt's our loading program.

Right now we're inside a computer program? 我在程式中? [39:22.67]ls it really so hard to believe? 这么难以置信吗? [39:25.10]Your clothes are different. The plugs in your body are gone. 你的穿着不同,插孔不见了 [39:28.91]Your hair has changed. 发型也不一样

[39:31.44]Your appearance now is what we call ''residual self-image.'' 这是所谓的“残留自我影像” : [39:35.48]lt is the mental projection of your digital self. 你在虚拟世界的投影

This isn't real? What is ''real''? 这不是真的?什么是真实? [39:47.29]How do you define ''real''? 真实该怎么定义? lf you're talking about what you can feel. what you can smell. taste and see... 如果你指的是触觉 嗅觉、味觉和视觉 [39:54.63]...then ''real'' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. 那全是大脑接收的电子讯号 This is the world that you know. 这是你熟悉的世界 [40:06.54]The world as it was at the end of the 20th century. 就是二十世纪末的世界

[40:11.95]lt exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation... 其实这是互动的虚拟世界

[40:16.55]...that we call the Matrix. 我们所谓的母体 [40:22.33]You've been living in a dream world. Neo. 你一直活在梦世界,尼欧

This is the world as it exists today. 这才是真实的世界 [40:42.38]Welcome to the desert... 欢迎来到 [40:46.15]...of the real. 真实世界

[40:51.16]We have only bits and pieces of information. 我们只有残缺的资料

[40:53.76]But what we know for certain is that in the early 21

st century... 不过我们知道在21世纪初

...all of mankind was united in celebration. 全人类欢欣鼓舞 [41:01.30]We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to Al. 庆祝我们伟大的成就 AI终于研发成功 Al. AI? You mean artificial intelligence. 你是说人工智慧? [41:10.61]A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. 这个人工智慧繁衍出电脑人

[41:15.95]We don't know who struck first. us or them. 谁先攻击谁已经不可考

[41:19.78]But we know that it was us that scorched the sky. 不过人类却遮蔽了天空

[41:24.72]They were dependent on solar power... 当时电脑人只能依靠太阳能

[41:27.06]...and it was believed that they would be unable to survive... 人类以为电脑人只要

[41:30.79]...without an energy source as abundant as the sun. 失去太阳的能量就会灭亡

Throughout human history. we have been dependent on machines to survive. 在近代的历史 人类一直仰赖电脑生存 [41:40.90]Fate. it seems. is not without a sense of irony. 命运,它似乎充满了反讽

The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 1 20-volt battery. 电脑人身体发出的生化电力 超过120伏特 And over 25.000 BTUs of body heat. 产生25000热量单位 [41:58.99]Combined with a form of fusion... 只要经过核翰合 [42:01.53]...the machines had found all the energy they would ever need. 电脑人就有用之不尽的能量

[42:10.43]There are fields. Neo. endless fields... 它们开发出一望无际的场地

[42:14.44]...where human beings are no longer born. 人类不再从娘胎出生

[42:18.38]We are grown. 而是被栽培出来

For the longest time. l wouldn't believe it. 我一直不肯相信 [42:29.09]And then l saw the fields with my own eyes... 直到我亲眼看见它们

[42:32.99]...watched them liquefy the dead... 将死人融化

[42:35.03]...so they could be fed intravenously to the living. 融化的液体用来喂食新生儿

[42:38.86]And standing there. facing the pure. horrifying precision... 我眼睁睁看着它们规律的运作

[42:43.30]...l came to realize the obviousness of the truth. 终于知道残酷的真相

What is the Matrix? 母体是什么? Control. 一种控制方法 [42:54.31]The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world... 母体是电脑模拟的梦世界

built to keep us under control.为了控制所有的人类 in order to change a human being.into this. 把我们从人变成这玩意


Do not try and bend the spoon. 别试着折弯汤匙 That's impossible. 那是不可能的

lnstead. only try to realize the truth. 你要试着看清真相 What truth? 什么真相? There is no spoon. 汤匙不存在 [71:32.13]There is no spoon? 没有汤匙?

[71:33.70]Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends. lt is only yourself. 改变的不是汤匙,而是你自己

l know you're Neo. 我知道你是尼欧Be right with you. 我马上来 -You're the Oracle? -Bingo. -你就是祭师? -答对了 [72:15.70]Not quite what you were expecting. right? 跟你想像的不一样,对吧? Almost done. 快好了 [72:24.31]Smell good. don't they? 很香,对吧? Yeah. -l'd ask you to sit down... -很香 -我就不请你坐了 [72:30.75]...but you're not going to anyway. 反正你也不会坐 [72:33.66]-And don't worry about the vase. -What vase? -花瓶的事没关系 -什么花瓶?

That vase. 那个花瓶 l'm sorry. 对不起 [72:43.07]l said. don't worry about it. 我说没关系

[72:46.13]l'll get one of my kids to fix it. 我会叫那些孩子修 [72:48.67]How did you know? 你怎么知道?

[72:51.91]What's really going to bake your noodle later on is... 让你觉得更困惑的是

[72:55.94]...would you still have broken it if l hadn't said

anything? 我不说你会打破花瓶吗?

[73:03.85]You're cuter than l thought. 你比我想的更帅 Morpheus believes in you. Neo. 莫斐斯相信你,尼欧 lost. 没人习惯这种生活 整批人都死亡

And no one. not you. not even me... 没有任何人,包括你和我 [91:48.78]Some believe that... 有些电脑人相信

[73:08.79]l can see why she likes you. 难怪她喜欢你 [73:11.96]-Who? -Not too bright. though. -谁? -你不太聪明 [73:18.40]You know why Morpheus brought you to see me. 莫斐斯对你很有信心

So... 那么 ..what do you think? 你觉得呢?

[73:28.98]Do you think you are the One? 你是救世主吗? [73:32.71]Honestly. l don't know. 老实说,不知道 You know what that means? 你看得懂吗? lt's Latin. 拉丁文 [73:40.89]Means. ''Know thyself.'' 意思是“了解自己” [73:44.59]l'll let you in on a little secret. 我跟你说个秘密 Being the One is just like being in love. 当救世主就像谈恋爱 [73:53.30]No one can tell you you're in love. You just know it... 没什么道理,你却很确定

...through and through. 全身上下都知道 Balls to bones. 从毕丸到骨子里都知道 Well... 那

[74:05.31]...l'd better have a look at you. 我最好看看你 Open your mouth. Say. ''Ah.'' 张开口说“啊” Okay.... 好的Now l'm supposed to say. ''Hmm. that's interesting. but....'' 现在我该说 有意思,不过 Then you say... 你要反问 [74:34.28]...''but what?'' 不过什么?

[74:35.68]But you already know what l'm going to tell you. 你早就知道我要说什么

l'm not the One. -Sorry. kid. -我不是救世主 -小子,很抱歉 You got the gift... 你很有潜力 ...but it looks like you're waiting for something. 不过你在等待什么

[74:55.93]-What? -Your next life. maybe. Who knows? -等什么? -等着投胎转世吧,谁知道?

[75:00.20]That's the way these things go. 事情就是这么无奈 -What's funny? -Morpheus. -有什么好笑? -莫斐斯 He almost had me convinced. 我差点就相信他 l know. 我知道 Poor Morpheus. 可怜的莫斐斯

[75:18.55]Without him. we're lost. 没有他,我们早就输了 What do you mean. ''without him''? 那是什么意思? [75:29.36]Are you sure you want to hear this? 你真的想听?

[75:40.41]...can convince him otherwise. 也劝动不了他 [75:43.01]He believes it so blindly... 他为了这盲目的信念 [75:45.71]...that he's going to sacrifice his life to save yours. 愿意牺牲自己救你一命

[75:50.29]-What? -You're going to have to make a choice. -什么? -你必须做出选择 ln the one hand. you'll have Morpheus' life. 一方面是莫斐斯的性命

And in the other hand. you'll have your own. 另一方面是你自

己的 One of you is going to die. 你们其中一个会死 Which one...will be up to you. 你能决定哪一个会死 [76:12.27]l'm sorry. kiddo. l really am. 真是抱歉

[76:14.44]You have a good soul. 你的心肠很好 And l hate giving good people bad news. 我不想跟你说这坏消息 [76:23.08]Don't worry about it. 不过别担心

[76:24.79]As soon as you step outside that door... 你一出去 [76:27.49]...you'll start feeling better. 心情就会好多了 [76:30.33]You'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap. 你不相信什么狗屁命运

You're in control of your own life. 你掌控自己的生命 Remember? 记得吗?Here... 来 ...take a cookie. 吃块饼干 l promise. by the time you're done eating it... 我保证等你吃完饼干 ...you'll feel right as rain. 就会心情开朗


Have you ever stood and stared at it? 你有没有看着这世界 Marveled at its beauty.惊鼓它的完美its genius?的天才呢? Billions of people..亿万人口..just living out their lives... 浑浑噩噩过活 ...oblivious. 完全无知

Did you know that the first Matrix... 你知道第一个母体 [91:33.19]...was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered... 被设计成没有痛苦的世界 ...where everyone would be happy. 当时每个人都很快乐 [91:41.84]lt was a disaster. 结果一塌糊涂

[91:43.57]No one would accept the program. Entire crops were

[91:50.78]...we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. 我们无法设计完美人类世界 But l believe that. as a species... 不过我却认为原来的 [91:58.59]...human beings define their reality through misery... 人类是透过痛苦和苦难 ...and suffering. 来面对真实 So the perfect world was a dream... 所以完美世界是场噩梦 [92:07.19]...that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. 你们人类不断想要从中惊醒

[92:13.37]Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this. 所以母体才要经过重新设计

The peak of your civilization. 呈现二十世纪末文明 [92:20.91]l say ''your civilization'' ... 本来是你们的文明 [92:23.48]...because as soon as we started thinking for you. it really became our civilization... 换了主人就成为我们的文明 ...which is. of course. what this is all about. 就是这么一回事 [92:32.29]Evolution. Morpheus. 这就是演化过程,莫斐斯 Evolution. 演化过程 Like the dinosaur. 就像恐龙灭亡 Look out that window. 看着窗外 You had your time. 人类曾有辉煌岁月 The future is our world. Morpheus. 但是未来属于我们的 The future is our time. 我们是未来的主人


今晚,让我们向这些勇士们致敬Tonight, let us honor these men and women.这些,我们的士兵,我们的自由战士These are our soldiers, our warriors.这些,我们的丈夫和妻子 我们的兄弟姐妹? These are our husbands and wives, our brothers and sisters... ?我们的孩子们...our children.我们将永远怀念那些牺牲的人们? Let us remember those that have been lost...?也为生还者能与我们同在?...and let us give thanks for those that have been found...?抱着一颗感恩的心...and who stand here beside us. 现在我要请另一个人上来致辞

Now I would like someone else to close this prayer... 一个已经很久没在这说话的人

...someone who hasn't spoken here in a long time...

但我们一定要聆听他说的话...but who I believe has something to say that we all need to hear.让我们欢迎莫费思!I give you Morpheus. 锡安的同胞们!听我说Zion! Hear me! 你们所听说的大部分都是真的

It is true what many of you have heard.电脑召集的机器兵团 The machines have gathered an army, and as I speak...

正在逼近我们的家园...that army is drawing nearer to our home. 我们将有一场艰苦的硬战要打

Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. 想要赢得这场战争的胜利 首先就要排除内心的恐惧

But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. 我现在,站在这里,心中毫无惧意!

I stand here before you now truthfully unafraid.为什么?Why? 是因为我跟你们有着不同的信念吗?

Because I believe something you do not?不是!No! 我能毫无畏惧地站在这,是因为我记得 I stand here without fear because I remember.

我记得我之所以能在这里 不是因为遵从前人所铺下的道路I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me... 而是相信自己能创造属于我们自己的未来 ...but because of the path that lies behind me. 我记得我们跟这些机器对抗了百余年

I remember that for years we have fought these machines. 我记得这百年来 它们不断地派军队来,企图消灭我们 I remember that for years they have sent their armies to destroy us. 经过了这一个世纪的战争 我记得,最重要的一件事是 And after a century of war, I remember that which matters most: 我们依然活着!We are still here!今晚?Tonight...

让我们向机器兵团宣战!...let us send a message to that army. 今晚,让这里因我们而震动!Tonight, let us shake this cave. 今晚,让这儿的大地、钢铁?Tonight, let us tremble these halls... ?石头都因我们而颤抖!...of earth, steel and stone. 让我们的呐喊由火红的地底 直达乌黑的天空! Let us be heard from red core to black sky.

今晚,我们要让它们记得Tonight, let us make them remember: 这就是锡安!而我们无所畏惧!This is Zion and we are not afraid!


喔,天啊 叫我史密斯就行了Oh, God. "Smith" will suffice. 我可以跟你聊聊吗? 霍曼议员

Care for some company? Councillor Hamann. 假如你喜欢单独一个人的话 那么我就不打扰了 I don't want to intrude if you'd prefer to be alone. 不,我也想聊聊天 那就好

No, I could probably use some company. Good. 我也想和你聊聊天So could I.

今晚真好It's nice tonight.非常平静Very calm. 好像每个人都睡得很安稳

It feels like everyone is sleeping very peacefully.

并非每个人Not everyone.我讨厌睡觉,通常只睡几小时 I hate sleeping. I never sleep more than a few hours. 我一生中,前十一年都在沉睡 我不想再浪费时间了

I figure I slept the first years of my life, now I'm making up for it. 那么你呢? 我最近一直睡得不好

What about you? I just haven't been able to sleep much. 那是个好兆头 怎么说?It's a good sign. Of what?

这说明你还是个?活生生的人类That you are in fact still human. 去过为锡安提供能源的地方吗?

Have you ever been to the engineering level? 我喜欢晚上在那散步,很神奇的地方 I love to walk there at night. It's quite amazing. 你想去吗? 好啊Would you like to see it? Sure.

几乎没人会来这儿,除非机器出了问题Almost no one comes down here. Unless, of course, there's a problem.

事情就是这样,只要不出事 没人会去管它That's how it is with people. Nobody cares how it works as long as it works. 我喜欢这里I like it down here.

这城市靠这些机器才存活下来I like to be reminded this city survives because of these machines.

这些机器让我们活下来 别的机器却要来杀我们These machines are keeping us alive while other machines are coming to kill us. 很有趣,不是吗?赐予生命的力量?Interesting, isn't it? The power to give life...

?也能夺走生命 我们也有相同的能力...and the power to end it. We have the same power.嗯,或许吧!但是?Yeah, I suppose we do, but... ?当我想到那些还受母体控制的人们...sometimes I think about those people still plugged into the Matrix.而且当我看着这些机器的时候?And when I look at these machines...

禁不住会想说,就某方面而言 我们不也是受这些机器的控制...I can't help thinking that, in a way, we are plugged into them. 但这些机器是由我们控制的 它们不会反过来控制我们 But we control these machines, they don't control us.

当然不会了!它们怎么可能呢?Of course not. How could they? 那个想法实在太过荒谬?The idea is pure nonsense... ?但这不禁让人深思?...but it does make one wonder just... ?什么是“控制”?...what is control? 我们随时可以把这些机器关掉

If we wanted, we could shut these machines down. 那当然,就是这样 这就是“控制”,不是吗? Of course. That's it. You hit it. That's control, isn't it? 只要我们想,把它们砸成碎片都行 If we wanted, we could smash them to bits.

但假如真的那么做了,我们就没了灯光?Although if we did, we'd have to consider what would happen to our lights... ?热能、空气...our heat, our air.

所以我们需要机器,而它们也需要我们 这就是你想强调的吗,议员?So we need machines and they need us. Is that your point, councillor?不,没什么好强调的No. No point. 像我这种老头子,不喜欢强调什么 不需要强调什么

Old men like me don't bother with making points. There's no point. 这是否就是议会没有年轻人的原因?Is that why there are no young men on the Council?说得好Good point. 你有什么话就直说吧!议员

Why don't you tell me what's on your mind, councillor. 这世界上有很多事情?There is so much in this world... ?是我所不了解的...that I do not understand.

看到那架机器吗? 它是我们的主水源再循环系统See that machine? It has something to do with recycling our water supply. 我完全不知它是怎么运作的I have absolutely no idea how it works.


But I do understand the reason for it to work.

我也完全不知道 你是如何能在母体内办到那些事情的I have absolutely no idea how you are able to do some of the things you do. 但是我确信那也是为了某个目的

But I believe there's a reason for that as well.

我只希望我们能够理解那个目的 在事情还不至于无法挽回前 I only hope we understand that reason before it's too late.


这些都是后门,是吧?These are back doors, aren't they? 程序员设计的秘密通道?Programmer access. 是如何操作的? 锁定机制内藏着一组密码 How do they work? A code is hidden in tumblers.

一个密码能打开一扇门 而其它的密码能够打开其它的门One position opens a lock and another position opens one of these doors. 你是程序员?Are you a programmer?那你是?Then what are you? 我负责保护重要人物I protect that which matters most. 过来吧!我不会咬你的Well, come on. I ain't gonna bite you. 到这儿来,让我好好看看你

Come around here and let me have a look at you. 我的天哪,看看你My goodness, look at you.

你现在看起来挺好的,不是吗?You turned out all right, didn't you? 你感觉如何呢? 我?How do you feel? I...

我知道你失眠,我们迟些再谈那个I know you're not sleeping. We'll get to that.现在过来陪我坐坐吧! Why don't you come and have a sit this time.

我还是站着比较好 哦,那随便你吧!Maybe I'll stand. Well, suit yourself.我还是坐下来吧! 我知道I felt like sitting. I know. 那么?So...我们就开门见山地说吧!...let's get the obvious stuff out of the way.你不是人类,是吧? 呵呵,你还真是非常的直接You're not human, are you? It's tough to get more obvious than that.

如果我猜的没错,你是电脑里的一个程序If I had to guess, I'd say you're a program from the machine world.

他也是 目前为止,都猜对了So is he. So far, so good.

这代表你也是母体的一分子But if that's true, that could mean you're

part of this system...

另一种控制人的机制...another kind of control. 接着说 那么我认为,最明显的问题是? Keep going. I suppose the most obvious question is...

?我怎么能相信你? 问对了!...how can I trust you? Bingo. 这毫无疑问是个难题,但坏消息是? It is a pickle, no doubt about it. Bad news is... ?你根本没有办法知道 我是不是真的在帮你

...there's no way you can really know if I'm here to help you or not. 所以这完全取决于你 所以你得好好做出自己的选择

So it's really up to you. Just have to make up your own damn mind... 要么接受我将告诉你的事 要么拒绝它

...to either accept what I'm going to tell you or reject it.吃糖吗?Candy?你已经知道我是否会接受? 要是我不知道的话,我就不是先知了Do you already know if I'll take it? Wouldn't be much of an oracle if I didn't.


But if you already know, how can I make a choice?

因为你不是来这儿做选择的 你早已做出了选择Because you didn't come here to make the choice. You've already made it. 你来这儿的目的是想了解 你为什么要这样选择 You're here to try to understand why you made it.

我以为你早想通这点了I thought you'd have figured that out by now. 那你为什么来这儿? 跟以前一样Why are you here? Same reason. 我喜欢吃糖I love candy.但你为什么肯帮我们?But why help us? 我们都是来做我们该做的事情

We're all here to do what we're all here to do.

我对一件事感兴趣未来I'm interested in one thing, Neo: the future. 相信我,我很清楚一点 就是只有我们团结一致才能有美好的未来 And believe me, I know, the only way to get there is together. 是否还有其它像你这样的程序? 喔,没有跟我一样,但是?Are there other programs like you? Well, not like me, but... 听着,看到那些鸟儿了吗?Look. See those birds? 从某种角度来讲 某个程序是为管理它们而编写的 At some point, a program was written to govern them. 而为了管理树木、风、日出与日落 又编写了另一个程序

A program was written to watch over the trees and the wind, the sunrise and sunset.这儿有无数的程序在运行 There are programs running all over the place.

这些程序各司其职,但它们是无形的The ones doing their job, doing what they were meant to do, are invisible.

你根本不会意识到它们的存在 但另外的一些程序 You'd never even know they were here. But the other ones... 嗯!我们常常都能够听说到Well, you hear about them all the time. 我从来没听说过 你有I've never heard of them. Of course you have. 每当有人说他撞到了鬼,或者遇见天使Every time you've heard someone say they saw a ghost or an angel...

你所听到的每一个关于吸血鬼 狼人,外星人之类的故事...every story you've ever heard about vampires, werewolves or aliens... 这全是电脑在处理?...is the system assimilating some program... 出问题的程that's doing something they're not supposed to be doing. 程序在入侵主机Programs hacking programs.

为什么这样? 它们有自己的理Why? They have their reasons but... 它们宁愿被驱逐,也不愿被删除

...usually a program chooses exile when it faces deletion.

为什么它们会被删除? 可能程序崩溃了And why would a program be d? Maybe it breaks down.

可能有更好的程序要来替代它了 这些事情一直在发生

Maybe a better program is created to replace it. Happens all the time. 而且当要发生的时候 它们要么选择隐藏在母体里? And when it does, a program can either choose to hide here... ?要么就选择返回到代码之源去...or return to the source. 就是电脑主机那里? 对The machine mainframe. Yes. 那儿就是你必须去的地方Where you must go. 那是救世主的终点站 你曾经见过的? Where the path of the One ends. You've seen it... ?在你的梦里,不是吗?...in your dreams, haven't you? 那道充满光芒的门?A door made of light? 你进门之后发生了什么事?

What happens when you go through the door? 我看见了崔妮蒂?I see Trinity...

?然后一些事情发生了?...and something happens...

?可怕的事情...something bad.

她在往下坠落,然后我就醒了!She starts to fall, and then I wake up. 你看到她死去吗? 没有Do you see her die? No. 你现在有了预知能力!尼欧You have the sight now, Neo.

你的能力不受时空的限制You are looking at the world without time. 但是为什么我看不到她后来怎么了? Then why can't I see what happens to her? 我们是无法看透自己所不理解的选择的

We can never see past the choices we don't understand.

你的意思是说 我得自己选择崔妮蒂的命运?Are you saying I have to choose whether Trinity lives or dies?

不,你早已做出了选择No, you've already made the choice. 现在你只能去理解选择背后的意义 Now you have to understand it.不No.

我不会那样做的!绝对不会!I can't do that. I won't. 你必须那么做 为什么?Well, you have to. Why? 因为你是救世主Because you're the One. 那要是我办不到呢?What if I can't?

如果我失败了会怎样?What happens if I fail? 那么锡安将会沦陷Then Zion will fall.

时间又到了,相信我,尼欧! 你能够拯救锡安 Our time is up. Listen to me, Neo. You can save Zion...

只要你去到代码之源,在那之前 你必须先找到掌握钥匙的那个人 ...if you reach the source, but to do that you need the Keymaker. 掌握钥匙的那个人?The Keymaker?

对,他曾经消失过一段时间 没人知道他发生了什么事 He disappeared. We didn't know what happened to him until now. 直到最近听说 他被一个非常危险的程序抓了起来 He's being held prisoner by a very dangerous program... 我们之中最老的程序之一 他的名字叫梅罗纹奇 ...one of the oldest of us. He is called the Merovingian. 他不会轻易放他走的 他想要什么?

And he won't let him go willingly. What does he want? 那些有权有势的人都想要什么? 更多的权力 What do all men with power want? More power.

到那儿去,只要选择好时机?Be there at that exact time...

你们就有机会了and you will have a chance.我们得走了We must go. 我好像每次和你见面都只会带来坏消息

Seems like every time we meet I got nothing but b


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