Day 2- 伦敦艾滋病毒患者病情的缓解,为治愈艾滋病带来曙光。
London HIV patient's remission spurs hopes for curing AIDS
A stem-cell treatment put a London cancer patient's HIV into remission ,marking the second such reported case and reinvigorating efforts to cure AIDS-causing infection that afflicts some 37 million people globally.
The patient has been in remission for 19 months, the International AIDS Society said in a statement.That's too soon to label the treatment-which used hematopoietic stem cells from a donor with an HIV -resistance gene -as a cure,researchers said Tuesday in a study in the journal Nature.
"Coming 10 years after the successful report of the 'Berlin Patient',this new case confirms that bone marrow transplantation from a CCR5 - negative donor can eliminate residual virus from rebounding",said Sharon Lewin, director of the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity at the University of Melbourne, in a statement.
"Although it is not a viable large-scale strategy for a cure, it does represent for a critical moment in the search for an HIV cure." International AIDS Society President Anton Pozniak said in the statement.
Researchers are developing better antiretroviral treatments, prevention methods, and vaccines to halt infections while continuing to pursue a cure for those already infected. That goal is "likely to ba many years away," said Andrew Freedman, reader in infections diseases and an honorary consultant physician at Cardiff University.
"Until then,the emphasis needs to remain on prompt diagnosis of HIV and initiation of life-long combination antiretroviral therapy, " Freedman said in a statement.
[译文:一名伦敦癌症患者经干细胞治疗后治愈,其艾滋病毒感染状况得以缓解。这标志着第二个该类病例的产生。全球有大约 3700 万患者因艾滋病造成的感染而饱受折磨,而这一事件为人类治愈艾滋病的努力打了一针强心剂。
国际艾滋病学会在一份声明中表示,这名患者的病情已经缓解了 19 个月。研究人员周二在《自然》杂志上发表的一项研究中称,这种疗法使用的是一名携带抗艾滋病毒基因的捐赠者的造血干细胞,并认为现在就将这种疗法定为治愈还为时过早。
墨尔本大学的彼得·多尔蒂感染与免疫研究所所长莎朗·列文在一项声明中表示:“在‘柏林病人’艾滋治疗成功的报告问世十年后,这一新病例证实了 CCR5 阴性供体的骨髓移植可以消除残留病毒,并阻止病毒复发,无论多微量。”
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