虽然人类在治疗方面已经取得了惊人的进展,能够通过特定药物延长患者的生命,但找到根治艾滋病病毒(HIV)的方法仍是最艰难的一项挑战。近日,来自美国麻省总医院、麻省理工学院和哈佛大学联合建立的Ragon研究所的家们在Nature发表了一篇重磅研究,揭示了HIV在人体内“永生”的机制,为未来治愈艾滋病提供了重要参考。审稿人评价道:“这项研究令人印象深刻,并引起了该领域的极大兴趣。” 该研究所博士后孙玮玮和哈佛医学院讲师高策为论文共同第一作者
本项研究最大的亮点就是能够把不同类型的被HIV感染的细胞给区分开,为根除这些具有威胁性的细胞提供了可能性。这是该领域从未做过的事情。同期,蒙特利尔大学免疫学专家Nicolas Chomont在Nature上还发表了一篇对这项研究的评论文章。另外一篇发表在Trends in Immunology上的文章也专门评论了这项成果,引起广泛关注。
Title:Phenotypic sigs of immune selection in HIV-1 reservoir cells
Abstract:Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) reservoir cells persist lifelong despite antiretroviral treatment1,2 but may be vulnerable to host immune responses that could be exploited in strategies to cure HIV-1。 Here we used a single-cell, next-generation sequencing approach for the direct ex vivo phenotypic profiling of individual HIV-1-infected memory CD4+ T cells from peripheral blood and lymph nodes of people living with HIV-1 and receiving antiretroviral treatment for approximately 10 years。
We demonstrate that in peripheral blood, cells harbouring genome-intact proviruses and large clones of virally infected cells frequently express ensemble signatures of surface markers conferring increased resistance to immune-mediated killing by cytotoxic T and natural killer cells, paired with elevated levels of expression of immune checkpoint markers likely to limit proviral gene transcription; this phenotypic profile might reduce HIV-1 reservoir cell exposure to and killing by cellular host immune responses。
Viral reservoir cells harbouring intact HIV-1 from lymph nodes exhibited a phenotypic signature primarily characterized by upregulation of surface markers promoting cell survival, including CD44, CD28, CD127 and the IL-21 receptor。 Together, these results suggest compartmentalized phenotypic signatures of immune selection in HIV-1 reservoir cells, implying that only small subsets of infected cells with optimal adaptation to their anatomical immune microenvironment are able to survive during long-term antiretroviral treatment。 The identification of phenotypic markers distinguishing viral reservoir cells may inform future approaches for strategies to cure and eradicate HIV-1。
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